Working Together to Build BC

This year, we’re honouring the legends whose talent, expertise, and experience has helped build BC. We value their dedication in passing this knowledge forward to our industry’s next generation of leaders, as we all work together to attract and support a stronger, more diverse, inclusive, and resilient workforce.

Become a Sponsor

Position your brand as an advocate for the people that create and maintain our built environment – and gain awareness from key industry stakeholders.

BC’s construction industry is 218,000+ workers strong. This is your chance to get involved and show you care. From skilled workers and contractors to manufacturers,  suppliers, architects, engineers, professional services, training providers, public owners, and more, everyone in our industry has a role to play: and all are a part of Construction Month 2024.

Secure your sponsorship today and enjoy brand exposure in the lead up to April 2024, along with your month-long exposure across activities throughout Construction Month 2024.

Pictured: 2024 Construction Month Sponsors


Treat your crew to lunch! Secure a grant of $250, or $500 towards a lunch from a restaurant in your local area.

This is a great way to celebrate construction month by showing your appreciation for your hard-working crew, while at the same time supporting your local business community.

And when you’re done, pass the challenge on to another worksite.

Celebrate the Leaders

Every year during Construction Month we recognize the unsung leaders of our industry.

This year, we recognize the legends whose talent, expertise, and experience has helped build B.C., and are dedicated to passing this knowledge forward to our industry’s next generation of leaders.

Pictured: Rory Kulmala, Vancouver Island Construction Association (left);
Ryan Thran, Knappet Projects Inc., 2023 Construction Month Award Winner


Along with lunches around the province throughout the month of April, there will also be several by-invite regional events, the BCCA Leadership Reception, and more.

Subscribe to updates.

Sign up to get Construction Month news and updates as we plan and finalize the April 2024 celebration.


Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Looking Back at Construction Month 2023